selective focus photography of woman holding yellow petaled flowers

Giving Opportunities

Giving is a part of our culture at Franklin Academy!

Philanthropic giving has helped us create a place where those students who have not had the chance now have a place where they are seen and heard, build friendships, learn to self-advocate, and create a bright future. Transformation at Franklin happens because of your generosity.

Gifts to Franklin Academy make our student’s education worth so much more than the tuition paid. Every dollar raised supports service to students, sustains our school into the future, and allows us to continue developing signature programs, student activities, and educational opportunities. Your philanthropy allows us to provide specialized training for faculty, develop innovative programs, and sustain this unique place where confidence is built, friendships are nurtured, and lives are changed.

Here are some ways to join this effort today:

Support the Annual Fund

Franklin thrives when everyone — parents, alumni, faculty — gives every year. The annual fund fills the gap between what tuition covers and the full cost of a Franklin education. Gifts of all amounts are appreciated.

Or checks payable to Franklin Academy can be mailed to:
Franklin Academy Development
140 River Road
East Haddam, CT 06423

Planned Gifts

A legacy gift to Franklin Academy changes the future. It cements your connection with this special place and helps us plan for the future. The process is simple — just add one sentence to your will. This gift costs nothing today, but can change the lives of many in the future.

To learn more, please contact Kinsley Rausch-Dudzic.


An endowment gift keeps on giving. These funds are permanently invested and a portion of the income is used for a designated purpose. This could endow a scholarship, pay for a faculty salary, or go to annual expenses.

To learn more about endowment, please contact Kinsley Rausch-Dudzic.


Franklin Academy has a brokerage account with:
Buell Securities
200 Glastonbury Boulevard, Suite 102
Glastonbury, CT 06033

Our account number is 504LC767, and the DTC number is 0725.

The school’s policy is to immediately sell gifts of stock and invest the dollars in Franklin Academy according to the donor’s wishes.

Prior to transferring stock, please contact the Development Office, de*********@fa***.org or 860-873-2700 ext. 1016
Get to know Kinsley Rausch-Dudzic, who is in charge of giving at Franklin:

What is your favorite thing about working with Franklin students?
They are kind, thoughtful, thought provoking, intelligent, and resilient humans who teach me something new about the world, themselves and myself on the daily! They are also truly authentic individuals invested in learning.

What is your favorite Franklin memory?
The capstone trips with FLI [Franklin Learning Institute] and the International trips that I did with students.

What is your favorite Franklin tradition?
Closing Ceremony is probably the most powerful because each graduate has their moment to say something to the community and the symbolism in the passing of their candle [light] to the next graduating class.

Let’s talk more about how you can give back to Franklin. Call 860-873-2700 ext. 1016 or send an email to Kinsley Rausch-Dudzic: kr*****@fa***.org and we will talk to you about how you can give students and families the gift of hope.

Franklin Academy is a nonprofit organization recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3).

Kinsley Rausch-Dudzic
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Franklin Academy | 140 River Road | East Haddam, Connecticut 06423
Phone: 860-390-4026 | Fax: 860-873-9345 | Ad*******@FA***.ORG
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Franklin Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin in its educational programs, admissions and hiring policies or any of its school activities.

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