Graduate with mortar board

Especially for Alumni


We are always happy to see you! Campus visits are welcomed and can be scheduled through Franklin Connections under the Resources button, then Alumni Information, or via an email to kr*****@fa***.org. We miss you and want to be sure to have time to spend with you. We are always eager to hear about your adventures and will want to interview you.


Of course, we also have many ways for you to be more engaged! We are always looking for volunteers to participate in our popular Virtual Open Houses to share your story with prospective families, sit on college or career panels, work with the Franklin Academy Alumni Association, mentor current students, or host regional fundraising events and get-togethers. If you want to volunteer or learn more, please fill out the short form below.


Franklin Academy also offers one and two-year internships for recent college graduates interested in teaching, counseling, or external relations.


Please consider partnering with Franklin Academy to create more opportunities for our extended community: current students and families, alumni and alumni families, and staff. Together we can make the world more inclusive and equitable for the neurodivergent among us. Gifts to Franklin matter because you matter!


We love to have our alumni back to speak at things like Intersession or FLI. Let us know that you are interested by filling out this short form.

Request a Transcript

Need your records sent for a school or employer application?
Fill out this short form and we will get them sent out shortly.

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Franklin Academy | 140 River Road | East Haddam, Connecticut 06423
Phone: 860-390-4026 | Fax: 860-873-9345 | Ad*******@FA***.ORG
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All materials presented herein copyright ©2023—Franklin Academy.

Franklin Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin in its educational programs, admissions and hiring policies or any of its school activities.

Site created by: Good Design, LLC , Deep River, CT

Easily bridge to learning at Franklin! No matter when you join us, we are here to help with your transition and meet you where you are. Don't wait!
Franklin Academy Admissions Team

Upcoming Virtual
Open Houses

Monday, February 10

Monday, March 17

Monday, March 24