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William Petty

Email: wp****@fa***.org
Role at Franklin: Team FLI counselor
Education: Fairleigh Dickinson University, B.S.; Penn State, M.S. Ed.M.
Joined Franklin Academy: 2008
What is your favorite Franklin memory? One year an unknown faculty member dressed up in a rooster outfit and pulled minor pranks on coworkers offices for them to discover the next day. They always left photographic evidence behind, after the fact, of them pulling the prank, but no one could figure out who was in the costume. On one of the last days of the year, during community meeting, they finally revealed their identity to much applause.
If I could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive), I would choose… I would love to have dinner with Douglas Adams
Something I love about Franklin Academy is… The community
If I could shadow a Franklin alum for the day, what would I hope to learn? I would shadow Ben Brennen who is now an airline pilot for American Airlines. I would love to learn how he was able to stand out in such a competitive and unique field.
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