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Rich Cherubino

Rich Cherubino

Email: rc********@fa***.org
Role at Franklin: Communications Teacher and Farmer
Education: UConn, B.A. Philosophy; University of Saint Joseph, M.A. Special Education, ASD Certificate
Joined Franklin Academy: 2007
What is your favorite Franklin memory? Either the 2010 (or maybe 2011) senior prank when we parked Amy B’s car in the Great Room, creating the Franklin Farm, or sitting on the steps of the Museo D’Orsay simply in tears because I was so proud of our students as they navigated Rome and Paris and immersed themselves in beautiful art.
What is your favorite Franklin tradition and why? The GFO because it is Tom’s masterful way of developing positive group dynamics on the team and community level through product-based learning.
What is your favorite thing about working with these students? “Playing” with our students: the most effective way to learn.
What is something fun/quirky people should know about you? When I was a child, my career interests were: veterinarian, Caribbean dictator, or war correspondent.
The most important quality a teacher applying to Franklin Academy should have is… Empathy
If I could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive), I would choose… My Mama!
Something I love about Franklin Academy is… The courage and vision of our founders and the perseverance of their successors to carry the torch.
If I could shadow a Franklin alum for the day, what would I hope to learn? I would want to shadow an alum who captains a ship in Antarctica and learn how to tranquilize a polar bear.
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