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Nancy Fall

Nancy Fall

Email: nf***@fa***.org
Role at Franklin: Assistant Director of Admissions
Education: U.S. Navy
What is your favorite Franklin memory? I have so many – it is so incredibly hard to pick. I think one of my favorites was something that happened during a tour. I was on one of the dorm floors touring a family when one of the students I had toured the year before came bursting into the dorm with a dramatic flare and said, “Hey, Nancy! Remember when you toured me? Do remember? Well, look at me now! (with a thumbs up and smile from ear to ear)” We all, including the visiting family, burst into laughter. He then went on to say, “Haven’t I changed?! I’m not the same kid I was when you toured me!” While we found his overall entrance to be hilarious, there was no mistaking that he was full of joy and pride over his amazing growth, and he had a lot to be proud of. He was talking to his teachers, he had a wonderful core group of friends, and he clearly felt the growth that he had made in just one year. These are all things he hadn’t experienced until he joined the Franklin Community.
What is your favorite Franklin tradition and why? I have two. The first is closing ceremony. This is a special ceremony where seniors have an opportunity to say goodbye to the community. So many heartfelt messages are delivered and every single year I leave needing a puffs-plus! The impact this community has had on them and the reflection on who they were compared to who they are today is just so honest, beautiful and sincere. Their gratitude to staff who have provided them with so much support and the friends…the friends they thought they would never have. It is just so beautiful and emotional. They then pass the light of leadership onto the rising seniors via a candlelight ceremony. It is something that I have never experienced anywhere else. The second is Graduation! It is always a little emotional (in a good way!) to see students that I toured when they were in the 8th grade compared to the young adults they are at graduation ready to take on the world! I can’t help but be proud of them for all of their hard work.
What is your favorite thing about working with these students? What isn’t there to like? Our students are the best, by far! They are funny, smart, out-of-the box thinkers who I love to be around. They are kind, thoughtful, and have amazing interests. I learn something new during almost every tour I conduct and from the many conversation I have with current students.
What is something fun/quirky people should know about you? Quirky: I’m definitely a list maker! I have a list for everything from “things I need to do” to “things to do on vacation”. My quirkiness is in my need to plan. If plan A falls through, no need to fear! I have a plan B, Plan C and likely a Plan D! Hahaha I’m not much of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of Gal. Fun: I love to camp and hike! I feel at peace in the outdoors and nothing is better than waking up to a crisp morning with a fresh cup of perked coffee made over a camp stove!
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