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Lexa Lopez

Email: ll****@fa***.org
Role at Franklin: Learning Specialist
Education: Central Connecticut State University, B.S; Purdue University, M.S. in Education (in progress).
Joined Franklin Academy: 2020
The most important quality a teacher applying to Franklin Academy should have is… passion. As a teacher at Franklin, being passionate about what you are teaching is important because your passion then translates to enthusiasm and creativity. Students can, and do, feed off of your energy and if you are excited to teach, they get excited to learn.
If I could shadow a Franklin alum for the day, what would I hope to learn? If I could shadow a Franklin alum for a day, I would like to learn about how they were able to integrate into life outside of Franklin. I would want to learn about the struggles they had and how we can strengthen Franklin’s program to help students more effectively overcome them.
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