Jennifer Jiffy Spencer
Email: js******@fa***.org
Role at Franklin: Evening Health Center Coordinator
Education: LPN, Vinal Tech; RN 1992 USNY Assoc in Nursing Science EMT 1980
Joined Franklin Academy: 2015
What is your favorite Franklin memory? Being invited to prom by many of the students and having a fantastic time dancing, laughing and having pictures taken with them this past year.
What is your favorite Franklin tradition and why? My favorite is Halloween—the amazing costumes and energy is contagious. I even dress up and pass out candy!
What is your favorite thing about working with these students? They are very sensitive. They can be very honest and sincere. If you just listen when they open up to you, you can actually hear what they say. Who doesn’t want to be heard?
What is something fun/quirky people should know about you? I think my name says it all—Jiffy. As a child I was 1 of 5. We actually were part of a group that formed the Westbrook Jr. Colonial Fife and Drum Corp in 1962. I played the fife back then and will still play it at times. I took care of Art Carney and Audrey Hepburn when working in the hospital many years ago. What a treat that was.
The most important quality a teacher applying to Franklin Academy should have is… Compassion with firmness. Be able to listen.
If I could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive), I would choose… Robin Williams
Something I love about Franklin Academy is… Family atmosphere, caring and concern for the students