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Jason Madej

Jason Madej

Email: jm****@fa***.org
Role at Franklin: Mathematics Instructor
Education: Central Connecticut State University, B.A.
Joined Franklin Academy: 2022
What is your favorite Franklin memory? One of my favorite things about working for Franklin is that even though my background is centered in Mathematics, I have opportunities to pursue other passions and interests in the classroom. My first year, I taught an applied course about the American Presidency. As a reward for their hard work on the final project, my students challenged me to publicly read the inaugural address of William Henry Harrison, a speech so long it supposedly killed the president. I read it to a gathering of students on the Tear Drop in early spring. The colorful and curious phrases of the speech sparked multiple fascinating discussions from the audience about the Constitution and powers of the presidency (and more than a few laughs). I’d scarcely noticed two hours had passed. Shortly after completing the marathon of a speech, however, I developed a sore throat, a cough, and a headache. That night, word spread amongst the students about what I’d done that afternoon. Many checked in with me to make sure I was okay. They offered me cough drops and hot tea. They tried to keep the dorm quiet for me, even though it was a weekend. One even loaned me a stuffed animal for my emotional well-being as I recovered from the speech. Needless to say, with the full support of the Franklin community, I survived.
Something I love about Franklin Academy is… The culture of the faculty is not a workplace; it’s a community. I never could have imagined working in an environment so supportive. Because I was making a transition into education, my first year at Franklin Academy was one of the most challenging years of my life, and it was also one of the best. Even in the most difficult moments of the school year, I knew there were dozens of educators, supervisors, and friends that would guide me if I asked. In this way, we are able to grow as people alongside our students.
If I could shadow a Franklin alum for the day, what would I hope to learn? I would like to shadow a student who recently graduated from Franklin Academy and learn more about their transition into college and the workforce. Moving forward from high school to college can be one of the most challenging transitions a young person will experience. Whether they are academic skills or social skills, I would like to see which lessons taught at Franklin Academy prove most valuable after a student graduates.
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