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Chelsea Lazos

Chelsea Lazos

Email: cl****@fa***.org
Role at Franklin: Dean of Students
Education: B.S., Suffolk University
Joined Franklin Academy: 2008
What is your favorite Franklin memory? A favorite memory of mine is when we partnered with Mystic Aquarium and I was able to spend two weeks on-site with our students. It was a hands-on experience and did not disappoint! We were in the Aquarium learning, as well as set up in a private classroom with access to so much of what they offer. It was an exceptional experience that our students loved!
What is your favorite thing about working with these students? How talented students are in so many different areas. And they never cease to amaze me!
Something I love about Franklin Academy is… I love how Franklin Academy can change a student’s (and they family’s) whole outlook on life for the better! Year after year I watch students transform during their time here. It is so rewarding to watch students come up to receive an award or diploma at Graduation. I have not made it through a graduation yet without happy tears.
If I could shadow a Franklin alum for the day, what would I hope to learn? I want to see Ben B fly a plane!
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