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Caitlin McDonald

Caitlin McDonald

Email: Cm*******@fa***.org
Role at Franklin: Counselor, Owls Team Leader
Education: Arizona State University, B.F.A.; Colorado State University, M.Ed.
Joined Franklin Academy: 2015
What is your favorite Franklin tradition and why? My favorite tradition is the book awards at senior dinner. I really enjoy looking for books that match with each specific senior that I might have worked with in the past, and it’s a good time to try and guess who each student is that is about to be called up as Fred tells a few anecdotes about them. It’s a very special celebratory night right before graduation!
Something I love about Franklin Academy is… The community that rebuilds itself every year!
If I could shadow a Franklin alum for the day, what would I hope to learn? I would hope to learn about what they feel like the day-to-day impact our program has had on their lives.
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