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Brittany Orcutt

Brittany Orcutt

Email: bo*****@fa***.org
Role at Franklin: Crane Math Instructor
Education: Southern Connecticut State University, Bachelors of Liberal Studies with Minors in Mathematics and Sociology; Quinnipiac University, Masters of Secondary Education focus in Mathematics
Joined Franklin Academy: 2022
What is your favorite thing about working with these students? My favorite thing about working with students are the lightbulb moments they have when a concept finally clicks for them. I love watching their confidence grow as they experience overcoming challenges.
If I could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive), I would choose… If I could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive), I would choose Socrates. I would love the opportunity to learn from him, observe his strategies in questioning, as well as have my own thinking challenged to help deepen my understanding in different areas.
If I could shadow a Franklin alum for the day, what would I hope to learn? I would want to see how they navigate throughout the world once they leave and/or graduate from Franklin. This would emphasize the skills they gained through our program and show me what else we can focus on to help them succeed in the evolving world.
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