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Amy Paxson

Amy Paxson

Email: ap*****@fa***.org
Role at Franklin: Residential Dean on Owls and Student Government Advisor
Education: Northern Illinois University, B.A. in English, M.A. in British and American Literature
Joined Franklin Academy: 2011
What is your favorite Franklin memory? One of my MANY favorite Franklin memories is when I participated in Trivia Night with the same group of students for four years. We won the first three and we sadly did not win their fourth year but we still had so much fun!
The most important quality a teacher applying to Franklin Academy should have is… a great sense of humor and deep empathy for our fantastic students.
If I could shadow a Franklin alum for the day, what would I hope to learn? Honestly, I would love to see how our alums are pursing their unique talents and interests in the world outside of Franklin. Our students have such a diversity of fascinating interests and I always love to hear updates about how they are pursing them and sharing them with the world.
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