Cindy Pope
Cynthia (Cindy) Pope is one of the founders of Franklin Academy and currently serves as the Dean of Enrollment and Strategic Initiatives. The face of Franklin in many communities and professional organizations, she works tirelessly to help families with neurodivergent students find success. Cindy has presented nationally at SSATB (now The Enrollment Management Association), The Association of Boarding Schools, The Small Boarding School Association, and The Independent Educational Consultant Association, among others. She consults with schools and programs on topics including inclusivity, interviewing best practices for students on the Autism Spectrum, understanding nonverbal learning disabilities, supporting gender questioning and non-binary students, and launching new initiatives for neurodivergent students. Before founding Franklin Academy, Cindy was the Director of Admissions at Stoneleigh-Burnham School in Massachusetts and The Oakwood Friends School in New York. She holds a Master of Fine Arts Degree and taught at Wilson College in Pennsylvania and The University of Maine before becoming involved in secondary education. Cindy is a practicing artist and a member of a worldwide group of professional artists, often sharing her passion for the arts with Franklin students.